About the courses

We all have a voice, it's part of being human. We also have an inherent desire to communicate ourselves. How we communicate and whether we do that directly or indirectly, is our choice. This work is for people who want to explore their voices to get across who they are in a creative, empowered and fulfilling way. With our voice we can express our internal world and allow deeper parts of oursleves to see the light of day, to be seen and heard by others. With the voice we can bridge our inner and outer worlds. We can reach the other at a deeper more fulfilling level.
When deeper and more intimate sharing becomes a possible, we become more available for true contact at levels that can bring meaning and fulfillment in relationship. The voice carries the possibility of change and transformation. Through music and harmony the soul can start to flower in beautiful and surprising ways.
This is an invitation to step beyond the world of belief and ideas, beyond caution, fear and suspicion. This is an invitation to let go of what keeps us separate and to meet the other in sound, harmony and creative flow. Why? because when you do it, it feels fantastic!
Explore the voice as an instrument of creativity, spontaneity and empowerment. Using a dynamic combination of sound, song, improvisation, breath work and movement, we move beyond the taboos we have placed on our ability to give voice to who we really are.
In a spacious and supportive group, participants are invited to go beyond habitual patterns and self-limiting beliefs. This is a holistic approach to voicework that acknowledges and affirms body, emotion and spirit. The process is both liberating and therapeutic, with benefits that permeate into many areas of one's life.
The benefits this method can bring
A voice that is free, flexible and powerful.
A freedom from fear, self-consciousness and the 'inner critic'.
A presence that is natural, confident and engaging.
An ability to improvise and to be spontaneous.
An ability to breathe in a relaxed, easy and energising manner.
An ability to connect with others at a deeper more intimate level
A general ability to have more music in one's life.
And from this place may other journeys can begin...
Who, what, when and where
No previous experience, musical or otherwise is required, just an openness to take risks, to explore and to grow. These courses are highly beneficial to both singers and non-singers alike.

Day and weekend workshops are a unique opportunity to experience this powerful way of working with the voice. They are also an opportunity to find greater confidence, to experience deeper self acceptance and to explore creative and authentic ways of self expression. The workshops are ideal for 'non-singers' and singers alike. The space is held within the boundaries of mutual respect and non-judgement, with an encouragement to step beyond our personal limits in terms of self expression, energy and contact.
We use a combination of sound, voice and breathing excercises to free up energy and to open up to greater contact with eachother. Step by step, participants are invited to go beyond self limiting beliefs and habitual patterns, to find a freer expression of who you are, through the music of the voice.
As trust and safety builds, an atmosphere of open hearted generosity opens up, that gives way to greater creative possibilities. People start to have a go, to take risks, to let go. We inspire eachother. Fear and caution give way to laugther and release. We intuitively know that the more generous we are with eachother, the more others will be the same for us.
We learn simple songs by ear and we sing those to eachother in a way that needs to be experienced first hand. Improvisation, sound baths and visualisations and harmony singing all go to feed into this dynamic, musical and soul enriching experience.